Community members gather outside the Garrahy Judicial Complex
Photo by By Steve Ahlquist, UpriseRI
A month ago on February 1st, Jay-Juan, a 16 year old, was assaulted and beaten by School Resource Officer Leonel Pichs. He has been held under house arrest since then.
Jay-Juan, rather than either the school or the officer, is being held responsible and charged for this incident. His court date was yesterday, Mar 2nd. Members of ARISE, PrYSM and SEE showed up as a means of demonstrating our frustration with this injustice and our continued support for Jay-Juan. We’re calling for all charges to be dropped and for Jay-Juan to be allowed to resume his education at a different school.
We are shocked and appalled by Governor McKee’s doubling down of support for SROs in wake of this incident. To learn more, read here.
* Please note: out of respect for Jay-Juan and his family, and in compliance with Family Court rules, trial details will not be made public.