
March to Oppose HB8310

On Jun 14th, 2022, ARISE and PSU co-coordinated a march on the statehouse to oppose House Bill 8310, which proposed placing 2 officers in every Rhode Island public school.

In the weeks leading up, youth from both organizations worked together to design and create a number of protest signs, which you can see in the images here. They wrote testimonies, based on their own lived experiences; mobilized their friends; and spread the word through social media and flyers.

On the day itself, our youth – and the crowds they’d gathered – convened at 3pm to begin the protest. With bullhorns blasting and signs waving, they marched down to the statehouse steps.

The crowd sat across the lawn as youth gave speeches and led the audience in chant. When it was time for the House to begin session, they filed into the statehouse and took turns presenting their testimony.